Kedaung Home offering unique kitchen tools.
For those looking for bright, attractive and unique kitchen tools, then you have to visit Kedaung Home. The place offering a wide array of kitchen products, such as pans, knives, blender, plates, cutlery, legendary cups, jars, teapots, kettles, sangku, to baskets.
There are several reasons why Alinear calls Kedaung Home’s kitchen tools are unique. Do you still remember the legendary white bowl with a rooster picture? Here you can find it. Named Kukuruyuk, this product is available for bowls, cups, glasses, spoons, plates, containers, and pans.
There is also a legendary Blirik Cup. The cups are made from porcelain enamel, stainless steel, and available in various sizes and colors. For those who like to making salad or mojito, you can bring their jar mug. Kedaung also offering drink set with adorable Disney characters.
The kitchen tools they have to offer ranging from Rp. 14,000 to Rp. 90,000, quite affordable, isn’t it? Aside those are available in the offline store, you can also get Kedaung Home products via online through the website listed below.
Website: http://www.kedaunghome.com
Instagram: @kedaunghome