William Tanuwijaya Expanding Online Indonesian Business
William Tanuwijaya is known as a co-founder from an expanding and popular online shopping site nowadays, Tokopedia. William built Tokopedia with Leontinus Alpha Edison until now it is being a successful e-commerce site with thousands of users and billion rupiahs of total transaction per year. Founded on 6th February 2009, Tokopedia started to go public on 17th August 2009, same with Indonesian Independence Day.
William was graduated from Bina Nusantara University in 2003. After graduated, he worked as a game developer on PT. Boleh Net Indonesia. His career kept escalating when he became software developer in some well-known companies in Jakarta. The year of 2007-2008 was a significant life moment for William’s career since he became a super moderator in forum website, Kafegaul. From this moment, he was inspired to build an online marketplace business.
William was moved to make a secure online shopping site, after he worried of seeing so many deceptions in online shop business. On the initial establishment of Tokopedia, William often received some innuendo. Many people thought that Tokopedia would not survive for long time. But William and Leon’s hard work could break that assumption since they made Tokopedia as one of the fastest growing internet companies in Indonesia.
On October 2014, Tokopedia successfully made a history as the first technology company in Southeast Asia who received an investment of 100 million USD or about 1.2 trillion rupiahs from Sequioa Capital and Soft Bank Internet and Media Inc (SIMI). Because of his role in expanding online business in Indonesia, PT. Tokopedia successfully achieved an award for Marketeers of The Year 2014 on e-commerce sector at Markplus Conference 2015, held by Markplus Inc on 11th December 2014.