Whey To Go turns whey into a healthful boba drink.
About the past two years, boba drinks are on the rise. Almost all boba outlets are crowded. As if they were never bored with this one sweet drink. Although tantalizing and refreshing, but there are health problems lurking if you consume boba drinks too often. According to the National Institutes of Health research, boba drinks can cause diabetes, because the sugar content in it exceeds the daily sugar intake of adults.
But don't worry, you can still enjoy fresh boba drinks without fear of health risks. You do this by trying the boba drink of Whey To Go! Yes, this drink outlet offers boba drinks with not excessive sugar level. How come?
Answering the market demand which is currently in the midst of boba drinks, Whey To Go turns whey into a healthful boba drink. With unique, adorable packaging, various toppings and menus, Whey To Go offers boba drinks that don't harm your health.
Photo credit: Instagram @wheytogo_id
Whey To Go uses whey as the the main ingredient for their drinks. Whey itself is processed with protein content, which comes from milk that is processed in making cheese. Because of its efficacy, whey is also often used in supplement for people who like to exercise in the gym and in baby formula.
Currently, Whey To Go offers 11 menus including Choco Malt, Choco Matcha, Peanut Better, Bananaspresso, Vanilla Mint, Rich Choco, Tiramisu, etc, with a price range of Rp 27,000 to Rp 32,000. As for the topping choices, you can opt Shira Bites, Boba, Regal, or Oreo.
In addition to using whey, another uniqueness of Whey To Go is that they also include information on how many calorie level is in the drinks you buy. In a glass of Whey To Go drink contains 153 to 245 calories. Whereas the four toppings have ranging from 0 to 93 calories. The purpose of Whey To Go to include calorie information on their drinks is so customers know how many calories they will consume from the drink.
Photo credit: Instagram @wheytogo_id
As one of the beverage outlets that carries the concept of healthy life, Whey To Go really cocnern abaout the quality of the ingredients they use. As a substitute for sugar, this boba beverage outlet using sucralose and stevia. For shira bites topping, they make it from konyaku jelly with almost zero calorie content.
So, if you are a fan of boba drinks but still want to live a healthy life, Whey To Go can be the ideal drink for you to consume.
Top photo credit: Instagram @wheytogo_id