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How To Create The Right Corporate Culture For Your Company?

Alinear Indonesia
08 July 2022

Company Culture can provide balance, harmony, and progress to your company & business.

Photo by Ryoji Iwata on Unsplash
Do you often hear the term Company Culture in your daily activities? Maybe while you're at work, or maybe in the office. What is Company Culture? And, is it important for every company?
What is Company Culture?
Company Culture or 'Corporate Culture' refers to the attitudes and behavior of the company and its employees. This can be seen in the way people in a company or organization interact with each other, the values they hold, and the decisions they make. Corporate culture is a system of shared values and beliefs that maintain social cohesion and contribute to ideas and growth within the company. And, not solely built on facilities, materials, or background.
Then, what is social cohesion in a company? Social cohesion in a company is a condition where every social element in the company (society) functions to provide each other with good standards of norms. So, the company should be able to define which employees really contribute and give good value to other employees who will have an effect on the growth of a company, business, or organization.

Photo by Timon Studler on Unsplash
Company culture includes various elements, including the work environment, company vision and mission, leadership style, values, ethics, expectations, and goals. Culture is critical to a company's success, and a valuable tool for attracting better talent to the company. A positive work environment encourages balance, and productivity, which makes an achievement/goal of the company.
A good company is a company that pays attention to the culture of the company. A founder will create a corporate culture that is tailored to the vision, mission, and goals. Here are some important things to build a good and great company culture. The main key is balance and reciprocal response between employees and the company, and/or vice versa. The following are some of the characteristics of positive and negative culture in a company.
Positive corporate culture traits:
  • Low turnover and opportunity to grow
  • Transparent and responsive management
  • Recognition of success and achievements
  • Healthy work-life balance among employees

Photo by Redd on Unsplash
Negative corporate culture traits:
  • High turnover without careful planning and ceiling
  • Lack of clarity and direction from management
  • Unable to acknowledge and appreciate good work
  • Employee alliance and gossip about others
And, if you don't know where to start to build a positive company culture, here are a few noteworthy steps to get started.
How do build a Good Company Culture in the company?
  1. Build the right team
  2. Create incentives for success and/or achievement
  3. Create goals and expectations
  4. Trust
  5. Cultivating work-life balance 
The above can be a record for you when you want to create and evaluate whether the company or the place you work for already/has a good corporate culture or not.
TIP: If you are looking for a fun company to work for, company culture will be a big component in your decision-making when evaluating potential employers.
According to a survey from FlexJobs, 25% of employees quit their roles in the six months leading up to March 2022 due to toxic workplace conditions. Unfortunately, these days, many entrepreneurs and managers have the wrong view of corporate culture.
Let's start to contribute and communicate well to create a good corporate culture. No matter how big your contribution is, it will be very valuable for every company.

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