Welcome to Bekasi Light Rail!
As we know, Jakarta is now building the construction of MRT (Mass Rapid Transportation) in town. Well, apparently Bekasi also builds a new transportation system called Light Rail. Few months ago, the Mayor of Bekasi, Rahmat Effendi, announced that the track of Light Rail Transportation (LRT) will be built soon in Bekasi area. The concept is similar to Mono Rail. LRT is built in order to connect Bekasi and Jakarta in much easier and faster way.
The LRT track will be built for 18.138 km long, and will be going through Bekasi, Cawang, and for Jakarta-Bekasi, it will be going along the coast of Kali Malang. In Bekasi, LRT will be built on East Bekasi, West Bekasi, and Jatibening toll gate. The purpose of building this transportation system is to reduce the traffic jam between Jakarta-Bekasi, and the otherwise. May the LRT can be the right solution and really can help the transportation system between Bekasi to our capital city.