Sneaklin is the first shoes washing service in Indonesia.
The rainy season makes shoes easy to get dirty. Dirty shoes definitely make us bad mood. In addition making us less confident, dirty shoes also make us look less neat and dingy. But for those who may not have time or lazy to wash their own shoes, You can rely on your dirty shoes to shoe washing service Sneaklin.
Already exist since October 3, 2013, Sneaklin is arguably the pioneer of shoe washing service in Indonesia. The Sneaklin name itself is a combination of the words sneakers and clean. Aside Jakarta, Sneaklin also spread its wings to Bali, Balikpapan, Bogor, Tangerang, Palembang, Depok, and Bekasi.
The washing services they have to offer are also varied. There are Regular Services with prices starting from Rp 50,000 to Rp 70,000 and Premium Services starting from Rp 100,000 to Rp 175,000 for special case. There are also other services which include Repair, Unyellowing, and Repaint with price ranges starting from Rp 110.000 to Rp 350.000.
Instagram: @sneaklinpasarsanta
Website: http://www.sneaklinid.com