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Want to Run a Shopping Entrusted Goods Service? Here are the rules!

Isny DR.
18 December 2019

The government actually has set limits on the exemption of import duties and import taxes, this includes Shopping Entrusted Goods Service.

Who doesn't want a vacation abroad while doing business? Maybe that's also the reason why Shopping Entrusted Goods Service (Jastip) is now getting hyped. Unfortunately, many Shopping Entrusted Goods Service people don’t understand the regulations set by the Indonesian Directorate General of Customs and Excise regarding this business. There are some who understand, but still, take fraudulent action to be free of taxes upon arrival in Indonesia.

Photo by Heidi Fin on Unsplash
Did you know that all this time the government actually has set limits on the exemption of import duties and import taxes (de minimalist value)? Quoted from the official website of the Customs, the provisions for bringing goods from abroad have been regulated in the Minister of Finance Regulation (PMK) Number 203 / PMK.04 / 2017 concerning Imports of Goods Carried by Passengers, Transport Facility Crew, Border Crossers, and Shipments.
The Directorate General of Customs and Excise explains through their official Instagram account @beacukairi, passengers will get an exemption of 500 US dollars (per passenger) or around Rp 7 million for items they purchased for personal use, from previously 250 US dollars per person or around Rp. 3.5 million.
In addition, certain items belonging to passengers with a certain amount will also be free from the customs rate with a fixed nominal amount. These items include 10 pieces of clothes, 200 cigarettes, 25 cigars, 100 grams of sliced ​​tobacco or other tobacco products, and one liter of drink containing ethyl alcohol.
So, for jastip goods, there is no rate exemption so passengers must pay for import duty and import tax on the value of the goods. If passengers bring goods from abroad with a total exceeding the specified limit, then they will be subject to an import duty rate of 10% of the good price. For example, for total shopping goods from abroad 1,500 US dollars, only 500 US dollars are exempt from import duty, while the remaining 1,000 US dollars are subject to a 10% import duty rate.
Passengers are also required to report their luggage in the Customs Declaration (BC 2.2) document. These documents must be submitted to the customs and excise officers when they arrive in Indonesia. Passenger or Transport Facility Crew can be served without going through physical inspection (green line).
However, passengers can also be subject to physical inspection (red line) if they carry imported goods with a customs value that exceeds the exemption from import duty and excise, animals, fish, or plants. Likewise narcotics, psychotropic substances, precursors, drugs, firearms, wind guns, sharp weapons, ammunition, explosives, objects, or pornographic publications. Including cash or other payment instruments with a value of at least Rp. 100 million or the equivalent in foreign currencies, as well as imported goods other than goods for personal needs and supplies that are still left over (non-personal use).

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