Best collection from around the world at Transit Bookstore.
Besides being known as one of hype places to hang out in South Jakarta, Pasar Santa also known as second home for bookworms. It simply because Transit Bookstore came as one of independent books at Pasar Santa ready to provide you with their best collections from around the world.
photo source: https://www.instagram.com/transitsanta/?hl=en
Founded by two people love to read and travel around the world then visit local bookstore, it is not surprising collections at Transit Bookstore is quite complete yet diverse. Through their collection, Transit Bookstore invites everyone who comes to explore other world. Just like transit means, you are also being invited to look up important issues in developing countries including humanitarian ones in Africa or Middle East.
photo source: https://www.instagram.com/transitsanta/?hl=en
This independent bookstore which opens on Saturday and Sunday updating their theme for every three or four months. You will not feel bored with the same theme. For you who passing by Pasar Santa on weekends, should come here to find interesting alternative readings with various topics you probably will not find at other bookstores.