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Transforming Mental Health into a Positive & Productive #WorkLifeBalance

Alinear Indonesia
13 February 2025

Don't assume that mental health issues always hinder your work activities or routines. Instead, consider it your 'Business Asset.' How? Read on!

Photo source by Unsplash+ (Toa Heftiba)
You may have thought that mental health challenges are personal matters that are often overlooked and tough to address. However, mental health can be beneficial and doesn’t always result in negative outcomes. In this review, adapted from, if you are an entrepreneur, you might find that Mental Health Challenges can be your 'Business Asset.' How can this be? Follow these points!

Photo source by Unsplash+ (Curated Lifestyle)
1. Use Stress to Your Advantage  
The good news is that stress can be advantageous for some entrepreneurs. Positive stress, or "eustress," helps you stay focused and motivated while navigating critical business challenges, such as investor pitches or product launches. However, chronic stress can quickly lead to burnout.

The key is recognizing and channeling positive stress while minimizing negative stress. Did you know that many entrepreneurs use strategies such as reframing challenges as opportunities and practicing mindfulness to transform negative stress into positive?
2. Gut Health Can Adapt and Boost Resilience
"You are what you eat" applies to everyone, especially regarding brain function and mental health. Your gut microbiome—a diverse ecosystem of trillions of bacteria—directly influences your mental well-being.

Your gut produces about 90 percent of the serotonin and 50 percent of the dopamine that impact your mood. A recent study from Nature Mental Health indicates that individuals with a healthier gut microbiome exhibit greater resilience to stress. While experts haven't found a definitive solution, try incorporating gut-friendly foods into your diet, such as kimchi, yogurt, and sauerkraut.

Photo source by Unsplash+ (Arthur Edelmans)
3. Strength Training Can Help Boost Mental Health
Entrepreneurs often face stressful situations that can lead to anxiety. In this context, strength training serves as a valuable tool. Research shows that long-term resistance training can significantly alleviate anxiety symptoms. Engage in physical activities suited to your abilities, gradually increasing intensity.

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash
4. Avoid Excessive Processed Foods
Sweet snacks, soda, and fast food may be convenient choices amidst busyness. However, a diet high in processed foods can elevate the risk of depression symptoms by 20-50 percent.

To improve your mental health, incorporate healthier foods into your meals, such as fresh vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats. This shift can boost your energy levels, enhance your focus, and improve your decision-making abilities. A small dietary change can make a significant difference in your well-being.

Photo source by Unsplash+ (Valeria Nikitina)
5. Practice Gratitude
Gratitude, a scientifically supported practice, can greatly enhance mental health. Studies show that individuals who practice gratitude experience an increase in emotional well-being. So, for entrepreneurs striving to achieve substantial goals, take a moment to acknowledge your accomplishments and shift your focus from stress-inducing challenges to positive outcomes. This practice is also linked to improved interpersonal skills.

Simple gestures, like saying "thank you" to your team, family, or mentors, can foster teamwork and boost morale. Moreover, gratitude can cultivate a positive work environment, enhance emotional well-being, and promote a culture that nurtures both personal and professional growth.

As an entrepreneur, you'll undoubtedly encounter highs and lows in both business and life. That's why the above strategies are essential to transforming and balancing your life for the better. What do you think? Let's start now!

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