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Tips for Children to Stay Effective Learning from Home while Parents Return to Their Office

Isny DR.
21 July 2020

Tips so that children can still learn from home effectively for parents who have returned to work.

Photo source: Pexels
Until now the government is still eliminating the teaching-learning process in schools, and replacing it with a learning from home program. Meanwhile, many parents have started returning to work in the office after the enactment of Transition Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) in Jakarta.
This situation certainly makes many parents who have school-aged children worried. If some time ago, parents could fully supervise their children because of the WFH (Work From Home) policy. Then, what about now when many parents have returned to work in the office?
For parents whose children are already in Senior High School (SMA), they may not be too worried because they can already learn by themselves and know how to manage their time well. It is different with children who are still in elementary school (SD) and junior high school (SMP), which are in dire need of parental supervision so that the learning from home process runs smoothly and effectively.
These are tips so that children can still learn from home effectively for parents who have returned to work as reported by from Halodoc.

1. Discuss with Your Children
Talk to your child that you have to start working at the office again, so that you can no longer accompany them to learning from home. Ask your child to remain disciplined and complete all the tasks given first, then they can play. Give also an understanding that the learning at home process is the same as studying at school, where there is a time they have to study, do assignments, and there is a time to play and rest. Teach your child to be able to manage the same time as when they had to go to school. That way, the learning at home process is still effective even if you have to go back to work.
2. Create a Comfortable Study Room
If possible, make a special room so that your child can learn comfortably and focus, making them feel like they’re studying at school. That way, your child will not feel lazy to learn and attention to the lessons will not be disturbed. No need to make a complicated study room. Just simply provide a desk and comfortable chair in the room or special room (if any), and keep it away from the television. Try to make the room has good lighting to maintain eyes health.
3. Monitoring Remotely
Even if you have to go back to work at the office, it doesn't mean you can't monitoring your child. Contact your child on your free time or break time by phone or video call, to ask how the learning process they did today. However, don't just ask about learning, also ask about other fun things that make your child feel cared for.
4. Come Home Soon
When finished office hours, go home immediately. When meeting your child, ask gently how today's lesson? Is there homeworks to be done? Has the homework been completed? If your child find it’s hard to do their homework, help them finish it.
However, if the homework has been completed, give them appreciation and praise. Because, children really like praises for the good things they’ve done. That way, your child will be even more eager to learn even from home.
5. Ask for Allowance from Teachers or Schools
If your child feels overwhelmed with the tasks, there is nothing wrong to discuss it with the teacher concerned or the school. Describe your current situation that you have to go back at work and your child feels overwhelmed by so many tasks given.

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