PT. Globe Teledigital Indonesia (GTI), a solution to build an official website for your business in Indonesia.
Therefore, a great website is important to attract customers, help them out find products or services they need, and make them purchasing anything you offer thorough that website. Here are simple tips for building a great web design that attracts customers.
1. Character
Make sure you find out what kind of website you want to create (based on your business needs). Is it a common blog, the website for a small or large company? Or a special branding website? Right after you decided the perfect one suite your (business) need, you can start with options you want to display on the website. For example, you want to build an online store website to sell clothes, then you need to put photos, names of products, sizes and payment.
2. Logo, Font, and Colours
Font and colours are related to the first point. It simply because the character of your brand can be seen from the chosen logo, font, and colours. All those three help increasing brand awareness among customers and help them remember your brand among other brands. You can choose the eye-catching fonts, colours, and logo to be displayed on your website.
3. Information and Contact Details
Do not make them confuse while entering your website because of the unclear navigation. Make sure you give clear contact details to make them easier reach you out while having questions about products or services you offer as well as delivering their suggestions after purchasing your products or services.