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Tiger Sugar Opens Its Second Outlet in Plaza Indonesia

Isny DR.
05 August 2019

Tiger Sugar, one of Taiwanese brown sugar specialist drinks brands.

Good news for boba drinks lovers. Now, one of Taiwanese brown sugar specialist drink brands, Tiger Sugar can be found at Plaza Indonesia, after previously only available at Mall Kelapa Gading 2. The second outlet was inaugurated on Wednesday, July 31.

In the midst of brown sugar boba drinks popularity that hit almost all countries in Southeast Asia, Tiger Sugar is considered as one of the best in the region, as well as in Indonesia. Many Indonesians are curious and very interested in trying it.

One of Tiger Sugar favorit drinks is Brown Sugar Boba Milk with Cream Mousse (Rp. 38,000). The taste of milk and creamy is quite bold. The boba itself is marinated by brown sugar, making it tastes sweet and like have caramel taste in it with chewy texture. To get the perfect taste balance, it is recommended to shake it 15 times before drinking and drink it for less than 15 minutes.


Instagram: @tigersugarindonesia

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