Tips for buying your dream home today. Let's focus on and apply these 3 basic things!
Right before saving some money for buying your own home, make sure you have no debt, both productive and consumptive. Especially debt in banks is simply because every application for a mortgage (KPR) to a bank needs to pass BI checking by Bank Indonesia to determine eligibility. Along with that, you need to save at least 10% or 20% of your income to pay the down payment.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash
Determine the price of the home you can buy based on your monthly income. Do not trap in a house poor term where you need to spend a large portion of your monthly income to pay the mortgage while other living needs are neglected. To avoid that trap, make sure your installment is below 30% (of your monthly income). If you find your home installment more than 30%, it probably ended with bad credit.

Photo by Morgan Housel on Unsplash
If you really want to buy your own home, it can be seen by how you prepare a down payment. The bigger the down payment you pay, the lower the installment you need to pay every single month. It could be great if you can save a down payment (30% of your monthly income) within one or two years before you decided to buy your own home.