Credit card have a high enough risk, so banks have their own appraisals for each credit card application request that comes.
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As submission for banking products in general, credit card applications must also be done by providing a number of documents and requirements requested by the bank. Although each bank has specific policies related to this point, generally, banks will require credit card applicants to fulfill the following documents and requirements:
- Work and have a minimum income of Rp 3 million / month
- ID card photocopy
- NPWP photocopy
- Saving/checking account photocopy in the last three months
- Original salary slip and SKP (for employees)
- SIUP and TDP photocopy (for entrepreneurs)
- Other credit cards photocopy (if any)
This is one of the important factors that determine the success or failure of your credit card application. Various records of your credit history in the bank can be seen through the Debtor Information System issued by Bank Indonesia (BI).
As mentioned above, credit cards pose a great risk to the bank as the issuer. Therefore, banks need to ensure that you really deserve to have a credit card and be able to pay bills on time.
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To find out your financial condition, the bank will be your personal account as one of the considerations. A healthy and smooth cash flow is usually preferred by the bank, rather than a passive account with a fixed balance or even no balance. In addition, applying for a credit card at the bank where you are saving will also simplify your credit card application process.
Not only your income and type of work, but the credibility of the company where you work will also be a consideration for the bank. Basically, banks already have certain criteria for this company.