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These Are The Advantages Of Investing In Gold

Alinear Indonesia
21 May 2024

Gold is a safe and appropriate investment instrument for those of you who want to start diving into the investment world.

Photo by Jingming Pan on Unsplash
Gold or precious metals are an investment instrument that is popular with many people. Because it can provide many benefits and the price tends to increase continuously from time to time. Reporting from, you can get several benefits from investing in gold. Come on, read more here!

1. Lots of choices
Gold investment has various forms. If you want to invest in gold, you don't have to own and store it in physical form. Now you can also invest in gold online. Examples of gold in physical form are gold bars, jewelry, and coins. Meanwhile, online gold investment can be done through various investment or e-commerce applications, such as Pegadaian Digital, Indogold, Tokopedia Emas, etc.

2. Inflation Resistant
Gold is different from other investment instruments in that it is vulnerable. The value of gold is resistant to economic fluctuations, such as inflation and recession. Historically, gold has been an excellent hedge against inflation. This is because the price tends to rise when the cost of living increases.

Photo by Allison Saeng on Unsplash 
3. Value Tends to Rise
If you look at it in the short term, the price of gold does fluctuate. However, in the long term, gold's value tends to increase. The increase in gold prices is generally above-average inflation. That's why saving gold is very suitable for long-term investment.

4. High Liquidity
One of the advantages of investing in gold is high liquidity. Gold is very easily converted into cash compared to other investment instruments. On the other hand, the gold market is very large and easy to access so gold can be bought and sold easily, even when other market conditions are difficult.

5. Interest-Free
If other types of investments will incur interest fees when cashed out, this does not apply to gold investments. Therefore, when making a sales transaction, the value of the gold melted is not reduced due to certain deductions.

Photo by Sabrianna on Unsplash 
6. No need for large capital
Investing in gold does not require large funds. Physical gold purchases, such as at Antam, can be made in units as small as 0.5 grams, which is currently in the range of IDR 700,000. Now you can invest in gold with capital starting from IDR 50,000 through a digital gold savings program, such as Pegadaian.

7. Minimal Risk
Investing in gold also has other advantages, namely minimal risk because the price tends to be stable and rise. Apart from that, gold is also immune to inflation. Gold in physical form can also be stored for long periods without experiencing physical or quality changes, you know.

8. Helps Portfolio Diversification
A diversified investment portfolio will reduce investment risk. Gold is a precious metal that is considered suitable for asset diversification. This is because gold has a negative correlation with other high-risk investment instruments such as shares. When the stock market goes down, the value of gold goes up. Gold investments can reduce the volatility and risk of an overall investment portfolio.

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