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The Origins of Market Names in Jakarta

Nadia Latief
04 December 2015

The Origins of Market Names in Jakarta

Traditional markets in Jakarta have names that come from the name of days in a week. There is Pasar Senen (Monday Market), Pasar Rebo (Wednesday Market), and Pasar Jumat (Friday Market), which had become the names of the areas. The names of the market that came from the certain day were because the market used to be active on that day only. Pasar Senen was only active on Mondays and Pasar Jumat on Fridays.

The first market in Jakarta is Pasar Senen. It was built in 1730s by the name of Vincke Passer. In 1801 the VOC gave permit for market construction to the landlord with a condition that the markets should be differ based on the days of active. Vincke Passer means the market is only open on Monday, which then called in Indonesian with the name of Pasar Senen.

Other market with days name are Pasar Koja, which opens on Tuesday, while Pasar Rebo that opens on Wednesday is changed into Pasar Induk Kramat. The market that opens on Thursday is Mester Passer, or that known as Pasar Jatinegara today. There are other markets that open on Friday which are Pasar Lebak Bulus (Pasar Jumat), Pasar Klender, and Pasar Cimanggis. The market that opens on Saturday is Pasar Tanah Abang. And the last one is Pasar Minggu, which opens on Sunday, had a name Tanjung Oost Passer.

After the bankruptcy of VOC, the rule to open the markets on certain days was no longer applied, so the markets operate everyday until now. But those traditional markets are now starting to lose their strength by the opening of modern shopping centers and malls.

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