The world class I La Galigo music-theater show will be back.
A world class music-theatre show is set to perform again in Indonesia, after previously surrounding nine countries. The show inspired by South Sulawesi's classical literature, Sureq Galigo, will be held on 3, 5, 6 and 7 July 2019 at Ciputra Artpreneur Theater, in Kuningan area, South Jakarta.
The stage script was adapted from Sureq Galigo, a story of Bugis creation myths enshrined through verbal traditions and manuscripts. After that, it written in the form of poetry using Bugis language and Ancient Bugis letters. Adventure, travel, warfare, stories of forbidden love, complicated marriages, and betrayals are covered in Sureq Galigo. All of these elements were arranged into a rich story, interesting, dynamic, and has a red thread related to the modern life today.
The La Galigo players will speak through dance and gestures. Soundscape and music arrangement composed by music maestro Rahayu Supanggah under the direction of one of the best contemporary theatre directors in the world, Robert Wilson, will add the grandeur and wealth, as well as the privilege of this performing art.
In addition, this spectacular music also creates more dramatic expressions. The music maestro Rahayu Supanggah even uses 70 traditional musical instruments from Sulawesi, Java, and Bali, which will be played by 12 musicians to accompany the show. Before the music was made, I La Galigo's team conducted research first to create a very beautiful musical accompaniment.
Gathering scattered Sureq Galigo was actually not easy, because besides being spread in Indonesia, there were also in abroad. In Indonesia, the book was not in one place, some have become private collectors, some were placed in museums.
When it had succeeded in obtaining customary 'permits' with a fairly long and gradual process, the I La Galigo scrip then written. However, the journey to study the text was not easy too, because it took three years until finally the first I La Galigo performance was held in 2004, in Esplanade, Singapore.
Setelah sukses di Singapura, lakon ini terus mendapat pujian saat digelar di kota-kota besar di dunia, seperti Lincoln Center Festival di New York, Het Muziekhtheater di Amsterdam, Forum Universal de les Cultures di Barcelona, Les Nuits de Fourviere, di Prancis, Ravenna Festival di Italia, dan masih banyak lagi.
After success in Singapore, the show continues to be praised when held in major cities in the world, such as the Lincoln Center Festival in New York, Het Muziekhtheater in Amsterdam, Universal de les Cultures Forum in Barcelona, Les Nuits de Fourviere, in France, Ravenna Festivals in Italy, and many more.