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The Language Development Phenomenon Among Millennials, Gen Z, and Gen Alpha (Part 1)

Alinear Indonesia
28 November 2024

Meme, YOLO, mewing, and sigma are some language terms familiar to us from the Millennial, Gen Z, and Gen Alpha eras. Discover more terms here!

Photo source: Unsplash+ (Getty Images)
In a world that is constantly evolving, language changes alongside it. Each generation develops its way of speaking and unique terms that reflect its identity and period. These terms often arise from pop culture, social media, and technological advancements that influence communication. Let’s explore some popular language terms among Millennials, Gen Z, and Gen Alpha, and how these terms reflect the characteristics of each generation.
Millennial Generation

Photo source: Unsplash+
The Millennial Generation is the first group to experience the effects of the digital and internet revolution. They grew up with rapid technological advancements, including personal computers, early cell phones, and the rise of social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter. This shift has influenced their communication style, both verbally and in writing. Below are some terms popularized by the Millennial generation:
- **Selfie**: A term that refers to taking a photo of oneself using a cellphone.
- **YOLO**: An acronym for "You Only Live Once," which captures the mindset of living life to the fullest by engaging in exciting or fun activities without overthinking the risks.
- **FOMO**: This stands for "Fear of Missing Out," describing the anxiety or worry that one might feel when they think they are missing out on something trending or popular, especially on social media.
- **TBT**: An acronym for "Throwback Thursday," used when posting old photos or memories, often accompanied by the hashtag #TBT to highlight past experiences.
Gen Z

Photo source: Unsplash+
Generation Z is a cohort that was born and raised in an era of advanced technology and high-speed internet. They are particularly familiar with platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube, which emphasize visual content and quick interactions. This generation tends to be more creative and enjoys playing with language. Here are some examples of terms they commonly use:
- **Lit**: This word is used to describe something that is very cool, exciting, or fun. For example, "The party was lit!"

- **Savage**: This term is used to describe someone who is bold, sharp, or unyielding. It can also mean "super cool" or "brutally honest."

- **Simp**: This refers to someone who excessively shows attention or makes sacrifices for someone they like, even when that affection is not reciprocated.
Gen Alpha

Photo source: Unsplash+
Generation Alpha is the youngest cohort and is currently growing up in an era of advanced technology. They haven't fully developed their own way of speaking yet, but they have been exposed to the digital world and the internet since birth. Their interactions with technology largely involve smart devices, tablets, and AI-based learning apps. Here are some examples of the language style popular among Generation Alpha:
- **Mewing**: Mewing has become a viral trend among Gen Alpha teens and even younger children, particularly through TikTok and YouTube videos. They believe that this technique can help reshape the face and flatten the jawline, although scientific evidence supporting its effectiveness is still limited.
- **Sigma**: Generation Alpha is familiar with the term "Sigma," which has gained popularity in pop culture, especially on TikTok. It refers to discussions about personality types and mentalities.
- **+1000 aura**: This term describes someone who has a strong, positive, and attractive energy or personality. It is Generation Alpha's way of praising individuals with charisma and a very good aura.

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