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From Slums to The Jakartan’s Pride

Isny DR.
04 August 2017

Pluit Lake Park visualize Pluit Lake with some skyscraper buildings and equipped by jogging track, outdoor gym facilities and basketball court.

Did you ever visit Kalijodo Park before? You should pay a visit to Pluit Lake Park after Kalijodo. As its name implies, this park visualize Pluit Lake with some skyscraper buildings. This slums area transformed into friendly park for any visitors.

It becomes a prima donna for Jakartans. You do not have to buy entry tickets to play at park. This is definitely perfect place to strolling around, picnic even exercise. Some people do potluck, they are bringing a different and unique food from home. Trees grow in full shade, you can feel the breeze even at the noon. 

People who come at noon usually do exercise. This park also equipped by jogging track, outdoor gym facilities and basketball court to spoiling them.

Inaugurated Augustus 17th 2013, this park also equipped by another facility, like open theatre area and playground.

You can use TransJakarta bus corridor 9 (Pinang Ranti – Pluit) and getting off in Pluit Station. You need to walk slightly to the east and arrive in Pluit Lake Park. Come and strolling around Pluit Lake Park!


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