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The Importance & Benefits of Breakfast, Take Note!

Alinear Indonesia
31 July 2024

Breakfast is crucial for our body's health. Discover more here!

Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash
A person should eat three times daily: in the morning, afternoon, and evening. Let's talk about breakfast. Breakfast has numerous benefits for overall health and helps with daily activities. Below are the essential reasons and benefits of having breakfast for our health. Keep scrolling!
1. Supplying Energy for Activities Throughout the Day

Source: Photo by Cory Schadt on Unsplash
The carbohydrates found in breakfast provide the body with energy, enabling it to perform daily activities effectively. Additionally, they help replenish the glucose levels that decrease during sleep. Without an adequate intake of carbohydrates, the body may become weak and lack energy due to unmet glucose needs.
2. Helps Maintain Ideal Body Weight.
Eating breakfast regularly can help control your weight. If you skip breakfast, your stomach will growl during the day, which can increase your appetite. This can negatively impact you, especially if you are on a diet program.
3. Improve Cognitive Function

Source: Photo by Robert Collins on Unsplash
It's important to remember that skipping breakfast can make it harder for someone to concentrate, whether working or studying at school. This happens because the brain doesn't get enough glucose to function correctly, making daily tasks more challenging. Similarly, schoolchildren may find it harder to focus on their lessons when they haven't eaten breakfast.
According to a study titled 'Breakfast Habits, Nutritional Status, Body Weight, and Academic Performance in Children and Adolescents,' young children and adolescents who regularly eat breakfast tend to have better academic achievement than children who are not used to eating breakfast. Therefore, it's important to ensure that your child always eats breakfast so that they can focus and excel at school.
4. Maintain a Diet
Eating breakfast daily can help you maintain a healthier diet, preventing you from craving unhealthy snacks between breakfast and lunch.
This is proven through research published by Lise Dubois: Breakfast skipping is associated with differences in meal patterns, macronutrient intakes, and overweight among preschool children. In his study, it was stated that children who are not used to having breakfast tend to choose foods that are not nutritious and are at greater risk of being overweight or obese. Parents should prepare healthy food supplies, such as fruits and sandwiches, for their little ones' breakfast.
5. Controlling Blood Sugar
Source: Photo By Unsplash
Breakfast can also help control blood sugar levels. For people with normal blood sugar levels, this routine will help prevent the possibility of insulin resistance, which can trigger diabetes.
Meanwhile, breakfast is also beneficial for diabetics to prevent hypoglycemia or a condition when blood sugar levels are too low. That is why diabetics should not skip breakfast.
6. Preventing Disease Attacks
It's essential to have breakfast regularly with healthy foods. Doing so can help prevent various diseases, such as obesity and type 2 diabetes, and reduce the risk of heart disease. Avoid skipping breakfast because people who do so often have a higher risk of atherosclerosis.
A study entitled Prospective Study of Breakfast Eating and Incident Coronary Heart Disease in a Cohort of Male US Health Professionals has proven that men who skip breakfast have a 27% higher risk of developing coronary heart disease. This study involved 26,000 male participants aged 45–82 and lasted for 16 years. So, have you had breakfast today?
7. Fulfilling Nutritional Needs in the Body
Consume healthy foods at breakfast. Eating nutritious foods can help meet the body's nutritional needs, such as calcium, fiber, folic acid, iron, protein, and vitamin B. Sufficient protein intake will create a feeling of fullness that lasts longer until lunchtime arrives.
It's important to note that the nutrients from breakfast can help fulfill the body's nutritional needs, which may not be met by lunch or dinner. Therefore, don't skip breakfast, okay? Ensure your body is well-nourished to stay healthy and perform daily activities smoothly. Have a great day!

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