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The History of Toko Merah

Miranti Devina
19 August 2015

The History of Toko Merah

Located near the Town Hall (stadhuis) or now known as Fatahillah Museum, this building is on the side of Ciliwung River and you can find it also in Kota Tua area. So why was it named as Toko Merah? That’s why we would like to share the stories behind it for you. Check this out!

1. This building was built by General Governor Gustaaf Willem Baron Van Imhoff in 1730 and used as his residence to 1751.

2. The building has an area of 2.445 meters square. If you take a closer look, this building seems like two buildings merged in one.

3. The owners of this building changed frequently, from Jacob Mossel and his son named Phillippine Theodore Mossel, General Governor Petrus Albertus Van Der Parra, Renier De Klerk, Nicolaas Hartingh, and Baron Van Hohendorf.

4. It was ever functioned as campus and dormitory Academie de Marine, or the navy academy for 12 years, from 1743 to 1755.

5. In 1786 to 1808, this building was used for Heerenlogement or hotel for the officials.

6. But in 1809 to 1813, all the sides of this building were used for Anthony Nacare’s residence. Unfortunately, Anthony Nacare only owned it for 4 years and then the owner changed again from 1813 to 1851. 

7. In the middle of the 19th Century, it was then owned by a Chinese resident, Oey Liauw Kong, and used as his residence and shop. He painted the building red, so it started to be known as Toko Merah.

8. In 1920, the building was bought and restored by NV Bouw Maatschappij. The restoration took one million Gulden of cost.

9. It was also used for office by many companies, such as Bank Voor Indie,Algemene Landbouws Syndicaat, De Semarangse Zee En Brandassuransi Mij, and WM Muller. & Co. In 1934 to 1942, this building was being the Central Office of N.V. Jacobson Van Den Berg, as one of the The Big Five companies in Holland.

Now, Toko Merah is owned by PT. Satya Niaga and used as function hall for events and celebrations.

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