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Spot Budaya 2 Dukuh Atas, the New Quality Public Space in Jakarta

Isny DR.
21 August 2019

Spot Budaya 2 Dukuh Atas is a space for interaction between communities regardless of social or cultural background.

Dukuh Atas area in Central Jakarta is now more complete. In addition to have a number of public facilities such as Transjakarta bus shelter, MRT Jakarta station, and Sudirman commuter line station, there is now also Spot Budaya 2 Dukuh Atas which was inaugurated by DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan on Sunday morning,18 August 18.

Anies said, this park is a form of green open space establishment as a "third space" for Jakartans to interact. The meaning of third space is the area after the house and office which is an interaction space between communities regardless of social and cultural background. According to Anies on his Instagram account, this cultural center is a community point to meet, "This space is characterized by equality, Insya Allah, this place will make everything equal."

Photo Source: Alinear doc. 

Head of Jakarta Bina Marga Hari Nugroho explained that Spot Budaya 2 Dukuh Atas has an area of 2,000 m2. The construction process itself has been done since last March. Besides involving DKI Jakarta Provincial Government, the process is also assisted by the private sector and several communities. Anies appreciated the parties who contributed to building another public space in Jakarta.

Spot Budaya 2 Dukuh Atas consists of five parts, Mini Tropical Forest as a greening space; Art and Culture Spot for arts and cultural activities, such as music performance, stand up comedy, and others; Skate Park for young people who want to skateboarding, roller skating and BMX biking; Education Spot in the form of a square hole covered by transparent glass that stores utility networks, such as optical fiber, gas, clean water networks, sewage networks, and municipal electricity; and the last one is the Pavilion, "Visitors can take photos and enjoy views of the Dukuh Atas area," Anies added.

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