Sosro The Pioneer of Ready-to-Drink-Tea Product in the World
The name of Tehbotol Sosro product might already familiar for you. As the famous product by PT Sinar Sosro, this product initiates other products from the same company, such as Fruit Tea, S-Tee, Tebs, Country Choice, and Prim-a.
Don’t get it wrong, the tea leaves that PT Sinar Sosro uses for the products are specially taken from their own plantation, under the name of PT Agropangan Putra Mandiri.
This tea leaves are not directly used, but it is processed first by PT Gunung Slamat to be dried tea, and then it continues to be produced by PT Sinar Sosro until it becomes the packaged tea beverage.
Yup, those three companies are under the same group of Rekso Group company. Well, how is the beginning of Tehbotol Sosro?
Starting in 1940 from Sosrodjojo Family in Slawi city, Central Java, who produced brewed tea with the brand of Teh Cap Botol. Back in 1965, the Sosrodjojos started to spread their wings by doing the strategy of CICIP RASA (product sampling) to a few traditional markets in Jakarta.
Back then, the tea was brewed straight on the spot to be distributed to the people in the market. But, they felt like it wasn’t an effective way because of the long process and the brewed tea’s temperature was very hot and made people impatiently wait to taste it.
Other ways had also been tried, with carried the brewed tea in a huge pot, then brought to the traditional market by pickups. Unfortunately, the road in Jakarta wasn’t as good as now so the tea was spilled a lot on the way to the market.
Finally, another idea came. That was to pack the tea in a sterilized bottle, so people can taste it by holding the bottle. What a practical way! In 1969, this method was patented to be the way of macro sales with the name Teh Botol Sosro, which is the name collaboration between the brand Teh Cap Botol and the name of Sosrodjojo family.
After years of innovations and logo changing, finally 1974 became the year of the fix logo and the bottle shape of Tehbotol Sosro which still can be seen until now.
The production has also startedo use advanced technology machines imported from Germany. In the same year, PT Sinar Sosro was officially established and also became the first ready-to-drink tea factory in Indonesia and the world.
The quality of Sosro’s products is surely unquestionable. With principles of keeping the 3K and RL, which are Kualitas, Keamanan, Kesehatan, dan Ramah Lingkungan (Quality, Safety, Health, and Environmental Friendly), this company already has ISO 9001:2008 certificate for product quality assurance, ISO 14000 for environmental safety assurance, SNI (Indonesian national standard), HACCP for the food safety assurance, and of course Halal certification from MUI.
Sosro had also received many awards, such as Top Brand Award for Tehbotol Sosro and Fruit Tea from Marketing and Frontier Consulting magazine, Best Brand Platinum Award for Tehbotol Sosro from SWA-MARS, and APKLI Award 2012 Charter for Service and Concern in Street Food Seller Empowerment.
With total 13 factories in Indonesia and more than 150 sales offices, no wonder you will not only find Sosro products in remote areas but also in internationals about 40 countries in Asia, America, Europe, Africa, Australia, and Pacific Islands. Wow!