Sipping a Perfect Coffee at Djule Kofi
Jakarta can be so perfect when it dusk. Just forget about the traffic jam for a while. If you passing Melawai Raya Street, point your car or motorcycle to Djule Kofi to sipping their perfect coffee. This coffee shop located at the crowd intersection, so, you may need a little effort when parking your car or motorcycle.
As you arrived, huge glass window facing lush green trees will welcoming you. And when you enter the room, you will find a very cozy atmosphere. Djule Kofi has a coffe bar in the middle of the room contains range of coffee brewer that ready to make good coffees. On the other side of coffee bar, manual brewer such V60 to aeropress also beautify the room.
The interior of Djule Kofi is wood-dominated. Warm lighting gaining the cozy ambience while sipping your coffee.
Here, you can try their nice Single Origin or Panama Geisha. They are so good, make you not want to let the coffee left even a drop. It could be better if your coffee accompanied by a piece of Almond Croissant or other snack.
This place is a perfect combination of good coffee and tasty food. Unfortunately, Djule Kofi only open to 20.00 (08.00 pm). So, if you want to visit this place, come earlier.