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3 Centuries-Old Portugese Church

Nadia Latief
19 November 2015

Sion Church - 3 Centuries-Old Portugese Church

This rectangle building with high roof is a church that was built in 1965. It’s been three centuries but it’s still standing firmly and does not change. It means Sion Church is the oldest church in Jakarta and its function remains the same since the church was first built. The church, which originally named Portugeesche Buitenkerk or Portuguese Church, is durable with a magnificent architecture. Up until today, the history of its construction can be read through the writings on the wall, written in Dutch.

Historically, the church was built as replacement to a simple and open hut. The hut was no longer adequate for the Portuguese to worship. Currently, Sion Church is managed by GPIB Jakarta, so the name changed into Sion Congregation of GPIB since 1957. The name Sion is the Hebrew for a name of a hill in the Palestine and is a symbol of salvation to ancient Israeli.

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The original building size is 24 x 32 meters, with an additional building behind it as big as 6 x 18 meters. It can accommodate up to 1,000 people in it. What makes this church unique is the shape of its altar that carries Baroque style. The altar has a canopy that supported by two twisted pillars and has four bronze posts. There is also a pipe organ that is still well cared until today. It is a provision of a daughter of Priest John Maurits Moor. Visiting this church will give you a nostalgic feel about a house of worship.

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