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The Well-Known Sate Padang in Jakarta

Miranti Devina
19 August 2015

Ajo Ramon is a Well-Known Sate Padang in Jakarta

Sate or satay is Indonesian signature dish made from various kinds of ingredients, from chicken, beef, seafood, to edible innards. Sate can be cooked with peanut sauce, soy sauce, or curry-like thick sauce. Well, if you like sate with the curry-like thick sauce, you may like this Padangnese satay, or called sate Padang in Indonesia. The most popular sate Padang in Jakarta is Sate Ajo Ramon located in Cikajang, Senopati.

Sate Ajo Ramon is known for its delicious savory taste. Served with lontong (Indonesian cooked rice cake in cylinder form), this sate dish can consist of beef only or beef with innards, and then mixed with the Padangnese signature thick sauce. It will be more tasteful if you eat it with the cassava chips. This delicious Sate Padang Ajo Ramon is the best seller in Jakarta with the price of Rp40.000,- per portion. So tasty!

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