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The Biggest Bread Company in Indonesia

Miranti Devina
13 May 2016

The journey of the largest bread company in Indonesia, Sari Roti.

“Sari Roti… Roti, Sari Roti..” the jingle may have been recalled in your memory because you frequently hear it around your residence complex. Yup, that is the jingle of Sari Roti sold by the hawker by a bicycle cart. Sari Roti stood as a Foreign Investment with the name of PT Nippon Indosari Corporation in 1995. A year later, this company started to operate as a commercial company by producing bread with the brand Sari Roti, which the first factory was located in Cikarang, West Java. A

And then in 2003, PT Nippon Indosari Corporation changed the name into PT Nippon Indosari Corpindo that is still used until now. Because the consumer’s demand kept increasing, in 2005 this company built their second factory in Pasuruan, East Java, and the third factory in Cikarang, West Java in 2008. Until now, PT Nippon Indosari Corpindo already has 10 factories located in Cikarang, Pasuruan, Semarang, Medan, Palembang, Makassar, Cikande, and Purwakarta. Wow! Can you imagine how big the company is?

Sari Roti groups the product into 4 categories, which are White Bread, Sweet Bread, Cakes, and Bread Crumbs. White Bread includes the various flavors of white bread, sandwich, and burger bun. Sweet Bread consists of the bread with various fillings, such as roti sobek, cream filled bread, chocolate, cheese, chocolate cheese, strawberry, sarikaya (Indonesian kaya jam), to beef barbeque. While for the cakes, there is chiffon cake with chocolate, strawberry, and pandan flavors.

Bread Crumbs is the Sari Roti product used for processing many foods and usually used for frying. The best seller product of Sari Roti is their Roti Tawar (white bread). The kind may also be your favorite, right? Not only producing, Sari Roti is also paying attention to the environment. One of their social responsibilities is the environmental management related to the factory waste, that is controlled periodically in order to avoid environmental pollution. The more superiority is, this company has received many awards such as Top Brand Award, Top Brand for Kids Award, Marketing Award, Indonesian Business Record, to Forbes Indonesia. Nice!

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