Rumah Diaspora Local Friend to Share House
It’s not a secret anymore that education system in Indonesia is still left behind many countries in the world. No wonder some people choose to go overseas for higher education. USA, Australia, or Europe are the destinations they mostly choose.
Going college in well-known foreign universities sounds so interesting, but also has some obstacles and challenge. One of the things you should think about is the accommodation. Rumah Diaspora is a mobile app that can help you who look for a place in foreign country to be connected with Indonesian people there.
Irzan Raditya, the CEO of Rumah Diaspora, creates it because he ever felt the hard way of finding a place to stay in Berlin, Germany. Realizing that many Indonesian people may go through the same way, he then wants to give a solution for this problem. Even though it still comes in beta version, Rumah Diaspora mobile app can be the reference for you to find a place to stay in other countries.