Rail Transit Suite, transit hotel at Gambir Station.
Are you going to travel by train in Jakarta? Then, you should choose Rail Transit Suite as your stay. This transit hotel concept at Gambir Railway Station, Central Jakarta is managed by PT KAI Pariwisata.
Rail Transit Suite provides 23 rooms consists of 14 single rooms, 4 twin rooms, 5 double rooms equipped with satellite TV, WiFi, AC, and bathroom. You can rent rooms by hour, for 6 hours, 8 hours, and 12 hours. You can also can rent for a whole day.
Photo Source: https://www.agoda.com/id-id/hotel-rail-transit-suite-gambir/hotel
Do not worry about the room rates! Get relax in their single room, worth for Rp290.000. Twin and double rooms worth for Rp360.000 – Rp550.000. It also equipped with 4 shower rooms with towel, soap, water heater, and hairdryer and worth for Rp 40.000 – Rp55.000. As per required, show your either train, bus or plane ticket to have some rest here. Rail Transit Suite makes your short stay more comfortable and easier.