Superga, quality classic sneakers from Italy.
Do not call yourself sneakers enthusiasts if you do not have this quality, classic sneakers from Superga. Right, offering classic sneakers, Superga comes from Italy. Since 2016, Superga opened their stores in Indonesia to complete any sneakers enthuasists day look.
photo source: https://www.instagram.com/superga_id/?hl=en
Both official stores at Lotte Shopping Avenue and AEON Mall BSD dominated by various models and beautiful colours of Superga. There is a most popular series from others, White 2750 – Cotu Classic. Why? Because this classic white sneakers adapted tennis shoes suit for any casual, sporty even feminine style.
photo source: https://www.instagram.com/superga_id/?hl=en
As one of the classic sneakers brands with more than 100 years experiences since founded in 1911, the quality of Superga undoubtedly top of level. For those who want to try best Superga series can visit the official store through the following info and contact detail.