Qlue and Corp An Application Supporting Jakarta Smart City
Jakarta Smart City program which initiated by the Governor of Jakarta, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama, now starting to go digital. The collaboration between the Jakarta’s government and local developer TerraLogic brings two digital applications named Qlue and CROP. These applications were purposely made in order to ease the communication between people and the government.
Qlue adapts two-way social network form. Through this application, you can give real-time aspirations or complaint, and also report all the incidents in surrounding, such as traffic jam, flood, damaged roads, thrash piling, even the availability of hospital room. The feature in Qlue also allows you to follow your friends in discussion forum just like other social network.
While CROP is an application for the Jakarta’s government and police department to accommodate the content from Qlue. This Android platform application is also planned to be available for iOS device later.
Besides accessing through Qlue application, you can also access the service through http://smartcity.jakarta.go.id which integrated with Jakarta’s online complaint services, such as email dki@jakarta.go.id, Twitter @jakartagoid, and Facebook jakarta.go.id.
With this integrated system, the complaints from people can be handled much faster. Are you ready to build a smart city with this application?