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Premium Grooming Service at Travers Barbershop

Eskanisa R
11 December 2018

Travers Barbershop use imported quality products with affordable prices.

In Jakarta, there are many barbershop offer premium services to satisfy their loyal customers. However, there are only some barbershop decided to use imported quality products, just like Travers Barbershop.

This barbershop which located in Kelapa Gading adored by gentlemen, because Travers offers a full service in more elegant yet modern concept compared to other barbershops. Through Takara chairs, you can feel both classic and vintage vibes here.

Travers using various premium care products, include shampoo, shaving cream and styling pomade, Holland’s finest pomade, Reuzel. They provide premium services start from washing hair, cutting to the hot towel and massage.

Professional barbers who came from cities that produces reliable barbers, such as Sumatera, Sulawesi and Kalimantan will pamper your day through their best services. To enjoy perfect haircut, you only need to spend for Rp80.000.

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