Order Your Favorite Cinnamon Roll at Bread Crush
Are you a big fan of cinnamon rolls? If so, you must try this online bakery that offers various flavors of cinnamon rolls in Jakarta. Just go visit @breadcrush Instagram profile. You can choose 7 other flavors beside the original rolls, such as Oreo Cheesecake, Red Velvet, Green Tea, Ovomaltine, Cookie Dough, Nutella Swirl, Strawberry Lemon, and two new trending flavors which are Tiramisu Rolls and Smores Roll. If you prefer savory rolls, Bread Crush also has Pizza Rolls with Tomato Sauce and Pizza Rolls with Barbeque Sauce. Yum!
You can also send Bread Crush for birthday treats. Bread Crush will write your greetings and wishes completed with ornaments. Choices of the courier can be picked between online ojek (motorcycle taxi) or other courier services. Make sure you have placed your order in two days maximum before delivery day. Enjoy this ooey-gooey Cinnamon Rolls for your tea time companion!