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Pertamina Gives 50% Cashback for 10,000 Ojol Drivers Every Day

Isny DR.
27 April 2020

Pertamina launches a special program for online motorcycle taxi drivers in the form of LinkAja cashback for purchasing fuel oil at Pertamina gas stations via MyPertamina app.

Pertamina launches a special program for online motorcycle taxi drivers in the form of LinkAja cashback for purchasing fuel oil at Pertamina gas stations via MyPertamina app. This Berbagi #berkahdirumah Program provides 50% cashback with a maximum value of Rp15,000 per day which can be enjoyed by 10,000 online motorcycle taxi drivers every day.

This program is Pertamina's effort to ease the burden on online motorcycle taxi drivers affected by COVID-19 pandemic. When the government asked community for #stayathome, online motorcycle taxi drivers become one of the most useful and dependable professions to help deliver services to meet the needs of the community.

"As an appreciation for the services provided by online motorcycle taxi drivers, Pertamina provides a special program in purchasing fuel oil using MyPertamina app. It is hoped that the program, which runs for the next 3 months, can also ease the burden of costs that must be incurred by online motorcycle taxi drivers in carrying out their work, "said President Director of Pertamina, Nicke Widyawati.

To join the program, online motorcycle taxi drivers must download MyPertamina app and activate LinkAja feature. Then the driver can purchase non-subsidized BBM (Pertalite and Pertamax Series) with LinkAja's non-cash payment on MyPertamina app.

Furthermore, the driver can screenshoot their online motorcycle taxi partner's user profile and upload it to MyPertamina (select the Ojek Online banner, then select More Info and Upload). Then, upload payment proof screenshot with LinkAja and enter the reference number. This program is only valid at gas stations that have provided non-cash transaction features with LinkAja (SPBU list can be seen on

In addition to getting cashback, online motorcycle taxi drivers who have already carried out these stages will also get double coupon to participate in Undian Berbagi Berkah MyPertamina 2020. This program is valid from April 14 to July 12, 2020 for online motorcycle taxi drivers throughout Indonesia. For further information, please contact Pertamina Call Center 135 or go to

Top picture source: @mypertamina

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