Ayana Salon for Muslim women offering best treatments using natural, best ingredients.
Nowadays, you can easily find salon specifically for Muslim women to get pampered with quality head-to-toe treatments. One of best salon for women is Ayana Salon Muslimah which has two branches in Jakarta, Cipete and Tebet.
photo source:https://www.instagram.com/ayanamuslimahsalon/?hl=en
This salon prioritize your comfort and privacy, that is why all therapists are women. Here, you can choose three types of head-to-toe treatments, hair, face, and body. While maintaining hair is important as well as keep your body in balance. Ayana offering three different hair treatments suit your needs, hair spa, creambath, and hair mask. Make sure you choose one suite your need through this brief explanation.
Creambath is ideal choice if you have natural hair, have no exposed with chemical processing such as coloring, straightening, or curling. If you already have one of those processing, hair spa becomes right one. It simply because cream of hair spa has more vitamins than creambath one to deal dry, dullness, and split hair after many chemical processes. Last but not least, to deal with hair loss, you need to try Ayana’s hair mask.
photo source:https://www.instagram.com/ayanamuslimahsalon/?hl=en
Along with hair treatments, as an active women you also required to maintain your face through these treatments such as totok (face pressure), facial spa, and Galvanic spa. Then, to relieve stress, you can try traditional massage, hot stone massage, body scrubs or traditional scrubs using natural ingredients which known for its effectiveness for reducing tension in muscles and nerves which help you feel more refresh. Click here to find out more about latest information of whole treatments and prices at Ayana Salon Muslimah.