Indiskop, people's cinema at Teluk Gong market.
Indiskop (Independent Cinema) is a newest cinema located at Teluk Gong Market, Penjaringan, North Jakarta. This affordable cinema targeted middle to lower class society. Bioskop rakyat (people’s cinema) was collaboration of Pasar Jaya Regional Public Corporation with PARFI 56.
People’s cinema aims to invite people in whole society to appreciate Indonesian movies by watching it frequently. It also expected to be an ideal space to learn for any community or even individual whose interested in movies. Indiskop has two theaters with capacity 128 seats (per theatre). The first one for adult audiences and costs for Rp15.000 per person, while second theatre for children and costs for Rp5.000 per person.
Both theatres are comfortable with three air conditioners and chairs with velvet cover. Indiskop shows best Indonesian movies have education yet meaningful insights for its audiences. The facilities and services similar to modern cinemas in simple concept. Indiskop open every day from 8am to 7.30pm.