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Paradise of Potted Plants in Kemang

Eskanisa R
17 March 2020

Kojo, paradise of quality indoor and outdoor plants in Kemang.

To create comfortable interior design, it surely takes practical functional elements which also helps to enhance appearance of your spaces. This ones then makes people eager to find various types of (indoor) plants to beautify their spaces as well as provide maximum comfort level to boost your mood up.

One of best spots to find various quality types of plants which have myriad benefits is Kojo Plant. Located at Jalan Kemang Selatan 8 No. C – 2, Jakarta inside CAYENNE, Kojo Plant ready to help you decorate corners or your spaces with their best collections.


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For example, you can choose Sansevieria or snake plant (mother-in-law’s tounge) which has the ability absorb excessive amounts of carbon monoxide as well as emits oxygen and filters other toxins from air. Plant with shape and sharp margins of its leaves also known cleans air better than most indoor plants.   


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To grow snake plant is quite easy, it simply because this one requires minimum care. Snake plants can be relatively slow growers, especially in low-light. Water once every ten days or two weeks because too much water can kill this plant. Make sure you click here to find out more information about other plants at Kojo. Let everyone know that you value life through plants!

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