Discover Jakarta with On Foot Community.
Enjoying Jakarta is not always about the mall or recreation spot. Just by surfing some well-known websites, you can know how beautiful this city is. Maybe this is the reason why they made On Foot community, a travelling community which will make you travel around Jakarta by foot.
Found by three Indonesian women, Novi Kresna, Hanny Kusumawati, and Windy Ariestanty, this community caught people’s attention. The community’s main vision and mission is to introduce Jakarta’s tourism to people by taking a closer look while walking.
The members, which are called Onfooter, can also share thoughts, meet more people and know Jakarta deeper. This is because before they start every trip, the guide had collected accurate information from local people.
You can join this community by simply contacting the twitter account @Jktonfoot, also for knowing the latest information about upcoming trips. Joining this community will not only make you love Jakarta more, but also make you healthier!