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Nujuh Bulan Helps Your Labor Easier

Eskanisa R
31 May 2019

Nujuh Bulan, yoga studio and childbirth education center in Bintaro.

Nujuh Bulan established in 2015 based on the own experiences of Tia Pratignyo who actively looking for labor information. Nujuh Bulan is a yoga studio yet childbirth education center you can easily find at Jl. Boulevard Bintaro Jaya, Ruko Kebayoran Arcade 2 Blok B1 No. 10. 

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This yoga studio offers you a pleasant ambience. The perfect blend of soft pastel colors, soothing diffuser and friendly staff welcoming your visit right after walking its main door. Nujuh Bulan Studio has heaps of best quality services of pregnancy, birth, postpartum and fertility.


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You can join the Intro Class (introducing class for Prenatal yoga), Prenatal yoga and Childbirth Education Course for your first pregnancy. Prenatal yoga aims to prepare both mom’s physical and mental. You will learn best yoga positions to increase your self-confidence even lose your worry. While Childbirth Education Class train father-to-be to support their wife during labor. They will be taught how to regulate breathing during contraction, endorphin massage and other physical and mental supports.


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Nujuh Bulan Studio also provides yoga accessories, including mattresses and gym balls, you do not need to bring your own, just wear comfortable clothes and bring a lot of water to hydrated during yoga.

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