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Never Say These 5 Things During a Job Interview

Isny DR.
12 September 2017

There are at least five sentences that you should avoid during a job interview.

Photo by Resume Genius on Unsplash
The hiring manager has already sifted through resumes and decided that they want to meet you. Now it’s your turn to make an impression. And, unfortunately for you, every sentence you utter during the job interview is going to be a part of that impression. The best way to prepare for potential embarrassment? Know what’s off limits.

Quoted from BusinessTech, avoid these 5 statements next time you are up for a job, and you will be well on your way to wowing your interviewer.

1. "I Really Want This Job"
You might intend for this phrase to demonstrate your eagerness, but in reality, it comes off as slightly desperate, and desperation doesn’t look good in any context, says Zachary Painter, Career Adviser and Hiring Manager at Instead, try saying, “i’m very excited that you requested an interview with me, and i look forward to discussing the details of the position.”

Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

2. "Does This Position Include Benefits?"
The mistake interviewees make is asking this question too soon. Instead, be sure to ask questions that get at how you could ultimately help the company reach their goals.

3. "Ummm"
Who among us hasn’t had a moment when their mind goes completely blank in the middle of an interview? It happens to even the most seasoned veterans, but there are better ways to handle it than just saying “Um…” followed by an awkward pause. The key is to sound thoughtful rather than empty-headed.

If you need more than just a few seconds, say, ‘That’s a great question. Let me take a moment to think about it.’ This way, you will come across as calm and collected rather than nervous.

Photo by The Jopwell Collection on Unsplash

4. "As I Already Said"
It might seem innocuous enough, but whether this is referencing a previously-used situation or just reiterating a skill or accomplishment, the phrase implies that the interviewer was not listening. Even worse, it makes the candidate look like they don’t have relevant experience or skills, since they have to keep restating information that was already covered,” says career coach Donna Shannon.

5. "Hard-working, Fast-learner, Self-motivated"
You might think that words like these sound nice in your elevator pitch, but recruiters have been around the block enough times before to know that they’re all flash and no substance. Instead of using those terms, practice telling a short and specific story that shows how you worked hard, or learned fast.

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