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From Home Turns Into a Museum

Isny DR.
17 November 2017

Museum Sumpah Pemuda contained a lot of Indonesia's historical collections also known as the "Gedung Keramat" since a long time ago.

Museum Sumpah Pemuda apparently has been through a very long journey. Many information had recording tracks of the building about its unique transformation. Had been rented for students house, meeting place, florist, and become a museum until now. Museum Sumpah Pemuda which contained a lot of Indonesia's historical collections also known as the "Gedung Keramat" since a long time ago.

Based on records, it was inhabited by its owner, Sie Kong Tiang, since the beginning of 20th century. On 1908, Gedung Keramat rented by School tot Opleiding van Inlandsche Artsen (Stovia) and Rechtsschool (RS)'s students as their house also a place for study and named Commensalen Huis. Many Indonesian students lived here on that time.

As time goes by, on 1927, the building get crowded with some movement pioneered by some organization. Bung Karno and his friends frequently came to the Gedung Kramat. Together with the students over there, they talking about tactics to repulse all invaders.

Perhimpunan Pelajar-Pelajar Indonesia (PPPI) had make the building as their secretariat office, also publishing office for Indonesia Raja magazine written down by PPPI. Frequently became a ‘basecamp’ of some organization, sincen then Langen Siswo changed into Indonesische Clubhuis or Clubgebouw (a meeting place).

On 15 August 1928, at this building resolved about the second Kongres Pemuda held on October 1928. The participant comes from student and some organization, "Jong Sumatranen Bond", Pemuda Indonesia, Sekar Rukun, "Jong Islamienten", "Jong Bataks Bond", "Jong Celebes", Pemuda Kaum Betawi and PPPI.


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At this building also, they agree for the Sumpah Pemuda decisions in a congress led by Soegondo Djojopuspito, the head of PPPI.

After Sumpah Pemuda, lots of the occupant leave  Indonesische Clubgebouw because they were graduated. They weren't continue the rent, until the building taken over by Pang Tjem Jam during 1934-1937 to be their home. From 1937-1951, the building rented by Loh Jing Tjoe to be used as a florist (1937-1948). While 1948-1951 the building recorded functioned as a hotel, named Hotel Hersia.

The first time after Indonesia's Independence day, the building used as the office and Customs Inspectorate's homestay rented during 1951-1970. Finally, Gedung Keramat 106 restored by Jakarta Government, from 3 April 1973 to 20 Mei 1973. The restoration was done in addition to changed the building into a museum, until now the museum named Museum Sumpah Pemuda.

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