Also known as Kawah Ijen, Mount Ijen is a volcano between Bondowoso and Banyuwangi in East Java. The specialty of Mount Ijen is the presence of the largest acid lake in the world and the only crater with natural 'blue fire' on Earth.

Photo by Visual Karsa on Unsplash

Photo by Ridho Ibrahim on Unsplash

Photo by Christian Vasile on Unsplash

Photo by ijenlandscape Java Guide on Unsplash

Photo by Yani Andriyansyah on Unsplash
To prepare yourself to enjoy the climb and journey to Mount Ijen, don't forget to wear special climbing shoes, prepare drinking water, and wear thin, layered clothing that can be removed when descending. Also, wear sunscreen to ward off the hot sun when descending from the mountain. Most importantly, keep yourself safe and the environment clean during the trip.