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More Comfortable to Taking Care Your Passport at MPP DKI Jakarta

Isny DR.
29 November 2019

Managing passports in MPP DKI Jakarta is more convenient and faster.

The end of the year is only a few weeks away. Are you including those who are planning a vacation abroad? Have you checked the validity period of your passport? If it want to expire, you don’t need to queue long at the immigration office. Just come to Jakarta Public Service Mall (MPP). Perfect for you who are always busy.

Besides not being too queued, in MPP DKI Jakarta is also more comfortable. The office itself is located at Jalan HR Rasuna Said in South Jakarta. As the name implies, this place is an integrated public service place, where there are several services from ministries and institutions here. One of them is the Directorate General of Immigration. So, you can take care of your passport here.

The passport extension service at MPP DKI Jakarta is almost the same as elsewhere. Passport replacement will be served 7 working days, while electronic passports will be served 14 working days. The cost is also same, for an ordinary papsor it costs Rp 350 thousand, while an electronic passport costs Rp 650 thousand.

The difference is that the atmosphere at MPP DKI Jakarta is more comfortable because the queue is not too long. In one day the applicant's quota is only around 48, unlike in the immigration office that could reach hundreds of people. In addition, the service at MPP is also relatively fast.

Interestingly again, the waiting room at MPP DKI Jakarta is also quite clean, and is equipped with supporting facilities such as air conditioning, a lot of waiting benches, a mini library, and a place to charge mobile phones for free.

Before coming here, applicants must have a queue number. Request for queue number can be made via Online Passport Service app or On Online Passport Service app, you can also choose the date and location for obtaining a passport, including choosing MPP DKI Jakarta.

The purpose of the immigration office to open its services at MPP DKI Jakarta itself is to make it easier for people who want to take care of their passports and other documents on the same day and same place.

If you want to arrange your passport here, you can visit MPP Jakarta 3rd Floor. Immigration office services at MPP are open every Monday to Friday starting at 08.00 to 15.00 WIB.

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