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Walk Down to the Other Side of the Capital City with Ngopi Jakarta

Isny DR.
23 July 2019

Ngopi Jakarta invites people to exploring Jakarta.

Photo by Kimson Doan on Unsplash
There are many things that enliven Jakarta. Including community that is now increasingly popping up. One of the interesting communities to follow is Ngopi (di) Jakarta (NgoJak). Starting from a cheap talk between Ali Zaenal and his friends who felt that the capital was not merely about Monas, Jakarta Old Town, and Taman Mini Indonesia Indah.
According to them, Jakarta is a city where nomads gather. They feel those nomads need to have a story about the other side of Jakarta to share when they return to their home. And in November 2013, they created a blog that talked about the other side of Jakarta and the hustle and bustle in it.

Photo source: Ngopi Jakarta (Instagram)
Then in August 2016, the stories in the blog were converted into a community. Through this community, they invited Jakartans and surrounding areas to explore all corners of the capital on foot. Not just walking, the participants will also be invited to interact with local people.
NgoJak Community itself has a philosophy of "Empat Sehat Lima Sempurna" (four health five perfect) consisting of sun, walking, water, smile, and perfect. Perfect, if you succeed in interacting with the local community. But if it’s hard to chat with them, at least four health has been obtained.

Photo source: Ngopi Jakarta (Instagram)
Ngopi Jakarta also invites its members to see the real life in Jakarta that has rarely been noticed. Like bicycle coffee sellers which are often called Starling (Starbucks Keliling). The starling sellers, who are usually easily found in office and entertainment center, apparently have a 'headquarter' in the Senen area, Central Jakarta. Information like this can only be obtained through interaction.
To join this community is free, you only need to share your article on social media or write content on the GoJak website Besides having its own site, NgoJak also has a mobile app that you can use to register or read about the community trip while exploring many places in Jakarta.

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