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This Community Take Great Photos with Phone Camera

Isny DR.
20 March 2018

Mata Ponsel, a photography community using smartphone.

Photography always identified with professional camera which is expensive. Unfortunately, not everyone who loves photography have that camera.

But, smartphones nowadays completed with good camera, so photography lovers can do what they love without use or buy professional camera. Based on that, a community named Mata Ponsel formed.

Mata Ponsel is a phone-based photography community. Initially, this community born from @mataponsel Instagram. Since 3 Juni 2014, this community with “Melalui Mata Ponsel Kita Bicara” motto, start opened their Instagram for public.

As its name and motto, all members use phone camera to capture moments and tell the mean from those photos. This community come as a place for they who love photography, but can’t buy professional camera.

In Mata Ponsel, the members share informations about how to take good photos only with phone camera.

To join the community, you can visit their official website.

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