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The Leading Cosmetic Company in Indonesia

Nadia Latief
21 March 2016

Martha Tilaar, leading cosmetic company in Indonesia for 5 decades.

For you women who like to beautify and treat yourself, must be already familiar with the name of Martha Tilaar Group, which taken from the name of the founder Dr.(H.C.) Martha Tilaar, as one of the biggest cosmetic producers in Indonesia. The products have already been distributed widely and can be easily found by the consumer. At first, Martha Tilaar began her business by establishing a salon in a 4x6 meters of garage at her parents’ house in Menteng back in 1970. After the salon developed, Martha Tilaar teamed up with two of her partners, which one of them is the founder of Kalbe Group, to then established PT Martina Berto with the brand of various beauty products and modern herbal medicine, Sariayu. Not only that, now Sariayu produces complete beauty products from head to toe that can be easily found everywhere.

Not only Sariayu, now PT Martina Berto also has some other beauty products such as PAC, Caring Colours, Belia, and Mirabella, also treatment products such as Dewi Sri Spa, Rudy Hadisuwarno, Biokos, and Cempaka. You don’t have to ask more about the quality, because in 1996 PT Martina Berto was the first cosmetic producer to receive ISO 9001 certificate for its quality. In 2000, this company received ISO 14001 for its environment management because Martha Tilaar Group really cares about the surrounding environment in producing. In 1999, PT Martina Berto bought Kalbe Group’s stock which makes Kalbe Group been under Martha Tilaar Group management now.

Entering its 5 decades of age, Martha Tilaar Group succeeded on receiving awards such as becoming one of the 55 members of Global Compact Lead of UN in Switzerland in 2011, Technology Pioneer from Ministry of Industry, and Green Leadership Category from Asia Responsible Entrepreneurship Awards in 2012. Now, not only PT Martina Berto that been managed under Martha Tilaar Group, but there are also other subsidiaries in production, distribution, beauty education, franchise management, advertising, and also human resources field. Wow!

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