35 restaurants included in Adikarya Wisata 2019 nominations.
The Jakarta Tourism and Culture Department, recently held Adikarya Wisata 2019, which awarded seven restaurants in Jakarta, from 35 nominations. The restaurant nomination category is divided by type of dish and restaurant concept.
According to the Acting Officer Head of the Jakarta Tourism and Culture Department, Alberto Ali, Adikarya Wisata is one of the highest appreciation for tourism actors. This award is also a highly anticipated event for tourism practitioners to promote healthy and higher quality competitiveness.
There are three aspects of concern in this award, dedication, achievement, and contribution. According to Adikarya Wisata 2019 Jury Chairman, Thamrin Bachri, for the restaurant category in Jakarta, the assessment process included cleanliness, environmental friendliness, and cultural preservation. Therefore, the categories are divided according to the way they are served, such as Indonesian Formal Dining, Indonesian Traditional, Japanese Food, Korean Food, and Western Food.
Here is a list of 35 restaurants included in Adikarya Wisata 2019 nominations:
1. Restaurant Nomination - Indonesia Formal Dining
Harum Manis, Sudirman
Kembang Goela, Sudirman
Bunga Rampai, Menteng
Lara Djonggrang, Menteng
Seribu Rasa, Menteng
The winner - Bunga Rampai, Menteng
2. Restaurant Nomination - Indonesia Traditional
Dapur Sunda, Cipete
Dapur Solo, Panglima Polim
Beautika, Petojo
Remboelan, Plaza Senayan
Tesate, Menteng
The winner - Tesate, Menteng
3. Restaurant Nomination - Chinese Food
Table8, Hotel Mulia
Hakkasan, SCBD
The Grand Ducking Signature, Setiabudi
Li Feng, Hotel Mandarin
South Beauty, Thamrin
The winner - Hakkasan, Jakarta
4. Restaurant Nomination - Japanese Food
Sushi Sei, Plaza Senayan
AW Kitchen, Plaza Senayan
Akira Back, Setiabudi
Henshin, Hotel The Westin Jakarta
Enmaru, Thamrin
The winner - Akira Back, Setiabudi
5. Restaurant Nomination - Korean Food
Chung Gi Wa, Melawai
Hanyang Garden, Senopati
Ojju, Kota Kasablanka
Taeyang Sung, Neo SOHO Mall
Magal PIK Original Mapogalmaegi, PIK
The winner - Chung Gi Wa, Melawai
6. Restaurant Nomination - Arabian Food
Al Jazeerah, Raden Saleh
Turkuaz, Gunawarman
Al Nafoura, Hotel Le Meridien Jakarta
Hadramout, Cikini
Abu Nawas, Matraman
The winner - Turkuaz, Gunawarman
7. Restaurant Nomination - Western Food
Amuz Gourmet, SCBD
View, Hotel Fairmont
Cassis Kitchen, Karet
Benedict, Grand Indonesia
Union Deli, Grand Indonesia
The winner - Amuz Gourmet, SCBD
Top Photo Source: Instagram @adikaryawisatadki2019