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Learning Urban Farming with Indonesia Berkebun

Miranti Devina
15 January 2016

Learning Urban Farming with Indonesia Berkebun

Do you like gardening on your spare time? If so, there’s a community named Indonesia Berkebun which founded since February 20, 2011. By making the movement through social media, Indonesia Berkebun has a purpose to spread positive spirit to care for the environment and the city with urban farming program. Urban farming itself means an activity to utilize the abandoned land in the city to improve Indonesian food security.

With this noble purpose, no wonder Indonesia Berkebun has already got many awards and appreciations, such as Google Asia Pacific award for Web-Heroes category in 2011, Inspiring Movement for Environment 2013 from Nutrifood, and was the finalist of Ashoka Changemakers 2013. The success of this community is proven by the spreading of Indonesia Berkebun’s movement in 30 cities and 8 universities in Indonesia. Such a huge amount, right?

If you are interested to join this community, you contact Indonesia Berkebun through the info and contact details column below. You can also join Akademi Berkebun, which is an educative event for public that is held regularly in each city. For you who live in Jabodetabek (Jakarta-Bogor-Depok-Bekasi) area, you can join the Akademi Berkebun in BSD, South Tangerang, and Banten. The complete schedule of Akademi Berkebun can be seen on this link: As the tagline of this community, ”Salam Markibun! Mari Kita Berkebun!” (mari kita berkebun: Indonesian language for “Let’s do gardening!”)

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