Do you find it difficult to sleep at night? Insomnia, come on, identify the cause early. Read more!
Based on guidelines created by the American National Sleep Foundation (NSF), adults aged 18 - 25 years need 7 - 9 hours of sleep per day, and adults aged 26 - 64 years also need a fixed sleep duration of 7 - 9 hours. per day.
With a fixed sleep duration, the hormones that regulate appetite function will not be disturbed, so the risk of obesity will not haunt you. To set sleep duration, you can use the alarm. Set an alarm at least 30 minutes before bed to get ready, starting from brushing your teeth, listening to music, or reading a book to start closing your eyes.
The caffeine in coffee can reset the body clock, also known as the circadian rhythm, which functions to regulate the release of melatonin (the body's sleep hormone). Melatonin levels themselves function to determine the body's natural time to sleep and wake up.
Half of the caffeine you consume can last 3 – 5 hours, while the other half stays longer, 8 – 14 hours. The impact of course varies depending on influencing factors, such as genetics, age, time of consumption, and habits of consuming caffeine itself. According to Prof. Drake from the Henry Ford Sleep Disorders and Research Center is better off not consuming caffeine-containing drinks after 5 pm to get a good night's sleep.
Using devices before bed can cause headaches and muscle aches due to electromagnetic radiation and inappropriate body posture. The aches and pains felt gradually become the reason a person stays awake at night.
To get better quality sleep at night, start reducing the habit of playing with devices before bed and replace it with other things such as writing a daily journal or reading a book.
Health reveals that a 45-minute nap functions to reduce high blood pressure while improving memory function. However, the effects of naps vary from person to person. Insomnia sufferers should avoid taking too long naps. If you feel sleepy, replace your nap with relaxation such as stretching or yoga for a moment to restore your body's fitness.

If you already know what makes you so anxious, write it down in a journal. Research shows that writing down all your worries can help clear your mind of negativity while improving sleep quality.