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Street Food Culinary Area Pecenongan

Nadia Latief
09 December 2015

Street Food Culinary Area Pecenongan

Pecenongan area in Central Jakarta is one of the culinary areas crowded with people. When the shops are closed, the street food sellers come to construct their tents and arrange the dining tables and chairs. Street food like this has been one of Jakarta’s attractions. It may be by the streets but the taste of the food is famous for being extremely delicious.

There are several food booths you must try here. Sop Kaki & Sate Kambing Krekot (goat leg soup and goat satay) is also famous with its Soto Betawi (Jakartan soup). The savoury coconut-milk broth will make you want for more! There is also Martabak 65A (Indonesian pancake) or that known as the legendary Martabak Pecenongan. It is said that Martabak 65 was the pioneer of modern flavours martabak, using Ovomaltine and Nutella.

For the non-halal food there is Kedai Sate Babi Krekot (pork satay). Unlike any other satay dishes, the satay here poured only with sweet soy sauce and galangal herb sauce. With drops of lime on it, the satay tastes fresh! Which one you want to try?

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